I've had it!

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I've had it!

Postby gstark on Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:33 pm

Is it the full moon?

I didn't think so.

But perhaps some of you can help to explain to me why it is that I'm becoming pissed off at some of the behaviour that I'm seeing here?

This forum's greatest strength is the attitude of the vast majority of our members. We have a number of members who share a number of photographic strengths, and those members continue to give to the community.

This giving comes not from thoughts of personal gain, but from their love of photography, and from their personal belief that this is a wonderful hobby that we all enjoy, and that we all share.

And those members feel it's important to be able to help, and to give.

So, with that basis in mind ...

There's a number of you who attended the recent portraiture shoot, but have not yet bothered to upload your images to the upload site.

People gave their time in order that you could improve your photography; you now need to keep up your end of the bargain.

And if you do not ... How very bloody rude of you!

Others seem intent on abusing our posting rules: those rules are there to help all of us get the most from this forum. We are not here so that a small minority can preen their ego.

We are here so that we can, as a community, help one another improve our photography.

And we have ample evidence, and too many examples of this happening, for anyone to tell me otherwise.

If you're here because you want to strut your stuff: piss off. Forget it. We don't want, nor do we need you, here.

It's not what we're about, and how very bloody rude of you!

I've recently seen a couple of comments being dergatory towards our moderators. I will not stand for this. The mods are here to help everyone, and they do it for zero compensation. They do it for their love of this community.

To those of you who have abused the mods ...

How very bloody rude of you!

There are others who ignore the bits in the FAQ regarding the bargains section and purchasing requirements. Whilst that only affects me ... it affects me. And, as noted above, it pisses me off.

How very bloody rude of you!

Finally, I've seen examples of some members being rude to others. Please note that this is explicitly forbidden, and it's covered more than adequately in our FAQ. It's something that has never been a part of this forum, and it's something that will never be permitted.

Please, leave your egos elsewhere. Do NOT be defensive here: nobody is attacking you, and if you come in here with an attitude, expect to be booted with no further warnings.

I've had enough.

Challenge 17 - Landmark/Icon

A slight variation on the norm for our next competition. The use of Post Processing is usually restricted somewhat to maintain the emphasis on the photography.

But without wishing to lose that emphasis, this competition will have no restrictions on post processing. None!

And the subject is one we can all embrace - whether it is local landmark such as that church on the hill in your suburb, the water tower in the main street, or the old wharf through to the MCG or the Opera House or the Storey Bridge (or Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower).

Just make sure the title has the name of the landmark and the (general) location.

The usual rules of anonymity apply, even though the title may give clues, this is about having fun and participating, and of course, letting your post processing run free if you want to.

No prizes, this is for the glory.

I give you......

A well known landmark, could be local to your area or capital city or state, or anywhere in the world. Image title must identify the landmark and the location, e.g. Opera House, Sydney.

No restriction on post processing.

Entries accepted from August 20 through to September 20

"Sydney Life In Photos" Competition and Exhibition

620 images were entered from 366 artists who photographed original and contemporary statements about Sydney Life. Twenty-six images have been selected to express the landscape, community and eccentricities of Sydney Life for the city’s favourite annual photographic exhibition in Hyde Park.

Matt K is one of the 26 finalists in this event and you shall have to come to Hyde Park Sydney to see his entry/photograph (bed sheet size!!) from 2 – 21 October 2007.

The press release for this event is here.
Gary Stark
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Postby Kris on Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:10 pm

Gary, I uploaded my images on day 2 but have yet to hear anything from the model - I assume she'd at least contact us with her details or requests for any other images.
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Postby gstark on Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:26 pm

Kris wrote:Gary, I uploaded my images on day 2 but have yet to hear anything from the model - I assume she'd at least contact us with her details or requests for any other images.


Bendicta has only, thus far, seen what Geoff and I gave her on the Saturday night at the dinner. I don't know what internet access she actually has (I believe it's not great), and she doesn't actually have access to the upload site.

I'll be building a CD (or DVD) of the images to give to her once I have the images to give ... but it's bloody hard to do that when people haven't yet upoladed them.

I wouldn't necessarily expect the model to contact you directly: she may if she wants to use the images herself for some promotional purposes, but ordinarily, I wouldn't be holding my breath in that regard.

But that's a different discussion, and it completely misses the point that I'm trying to get across in this thread.

I'm certainly not attempting to address or redress any one individual, but I am wanting to vent my disappointment and frustrations in a way that, I hope, will yield a positive outcome.
Gary Stark
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Postby Kyle on Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:07 pm


Pm'ed you re login details I was given not working..

FWIW, I've been processing photos in what little time I have for a couple from their wedding for the last week and a bit. Unfortunately this had to come first.

But my photos from the workshop are now ready to go.

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Postby michael_ on Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:19 pm

Gary i have not been given any login details, and if i was to pm you i apologies as i was under the impression you would be, add the fact i have been extremely busy with my course of late which is also why i havent shot anything in almost 4 weeks, the only exception was the workshop and today for a few hours, i am happy to upload them but it probably wont be till the end of the month i just dont have hours to process images atm.

As for your other points i do notice it too i just come to expect it on the internet these days, thats not to say it is acceptable.
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Postby gstark on Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:38 pm

All ...

This thread is NOT the appropriate place to tell me that your credentials don't work, or anything else about this.

I specifically kept my comments general, because I do not want to name any members, either by inclusion, or by exclusion. I would greatly appreciate it if you could respect my desires in this.

Michael, my apologies, I neglected you in sending out all of the PMs to the other people at the start of the week. A couple of those people haven't yet read the PM, and that, too, is fine.
Gary Stark
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Postby jdear on Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:51 pm

+1 for what Gary said... we seem to be straying from the original ethos that this website was setup for.

you guys just stopped to think what an amazing community this is? the talent, the resources (poon), the meetings, the fun?

pull your heads in!
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Postby casnell on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:17 pm

+2, FWIW this sort of stuff has happened on other forums I've been involved in, and the rude ones tend to just move on after it's got boring for them.

It's a great forum, I've learnt heaps, been inspired, and bought some bargains, please don't let a few spoil it...

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