JPMorgan Race 9 Nov 05

Items of local interest for those in Sydney

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JPMorgan Race 9 Nov 05

Postby Alpha_7 on Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:13 am

Didn't know if anyone was interested in taking photos of this, I'm "running/walking" in it, so haven't decided if I'm bringing my camera.

Its 9th Nove, the races starts at 6:30pm (but people get there from 5pm), the location is Centennial Park, Sydney.
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Postby tarotastic on Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:57 am

I'll be there. Might be some good piccies.
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Postby Alpha_7 on Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:14 pm

This year there is almost 7000 compeitiors, so there should be plenty of crowd shots. The start and finish line are very close to each other, and the fast times are usually around the 17/18 minute mark, but they are the real atheletical runners, the rest will finish within 1hr 20 mins or so.

I reckon you could get some good shots took at the start before the gun goes off, plenty of good ones with people finishing and some good ones on the opening hill.
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Please Give me more informtion???

Postby joonha1004 on Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:29 am

Would you tell me more information for meeting?!

Coz it will be my first time meeting for DSLR

How can I contact you and who will be there?

I feel confusing my first meeting. :<

Please Who give me email for meeting together?

Thank you
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